
物联网中基于UWB能量检测定位算法的仿真 被引量:1

Simulations of UWB Location Algorithm Based on Energy Detector in Internet of Things
摘要 Ultra-Wideband(UWB)技术被认为是最适合进行室内无线测距定位的技术,为了实现对基于UWB的物联网中节点的位置进行定位,采用基于能量接收的方法来估计UWB信号的到达时间(Time of Arrival,TOA),进而计算出传播距离和位置。本文使用Matlab仿真了PPM-TH-UWB(Pulse Position Modulation Time Hopping UWB)信号在IEEE802.15.4a信道下的发射、延时、信道冲击响应、加噪声、能量接收、到达时间估计的过程。该方法解决了在没有UWB信号发送、接收装置时对无线定位算法的仿真、测试和评估。 Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology is considered the most suitable for indoor wireless ranging and location technology.In order to achieve thelocation of the nodes in UWB-based Internet of Things (IoT),the article simulated the Time of Arrival (TOA) of UWB based on the energy detector,andthen the range and location is computed.Matlab is used in the article to simulate the PPM-TH-UWB (Pulse Position Modulation Time Hopping UWB)signal in IEEE802.15.4a channel model,which includes the emission,delay,channel impulse response,adding noise,energy receiving and TOA (Time of Arrival) estimation.The proposed methods can realize the algorithm simulations for positioning,testing and evaluation of wireless location in the absenceof the UWB sending and receiving devices.
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2011年第9期20-22,4-5,共5页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(60902005) 山东省自然科学杰出青年基金(JQ200821)
关键词 物联网 UWB 定位 仿真 测距 能量检测 Internet of Things UWB Location Simulation Ranging Energy Detector
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