
不同糖代谢状态疗养员动脉硬化检测结果及影响因素分析 被引量:3

Analysis of factors in results of arteriosclerosis tests on convalescents in different glucose metabolism status
摘要 目的了解不同糖代谢状态疗养员动脉僵硬度改变情况,并探讨其影响因素。方法共入选527例疗养员,根据血糖水平分为正常糖耐量组(NGT组)、血糖代谢异常组(IFG+IGT组,包括空腹血糖受损和糖耐量异常者)、糖尿病组(DM组),同步检测血压、血糖、血脂参数;应用脉搏波速度自动测定仪测定颈动脉-股动脉脉搏波速度(CFPwV)、颈动脉-远端动脉脉搏波速度(CDPwV)。比较各组间血压、血糖、血脂参数及CFPwV、CDPwV,并将各因素与CFPwV、CDPwV分别进行多因素逐步线性回归分析。结果血糖代谢异常组、糖尿病组中,血压、血糖、血脂参数、CFPwV、CDPwV值均较正常糖耐量组升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);多因素逐步线性回归分析显示CFPwV与收缩压(SBP)、餐后2h血糖(2hPG)、胆固醇(TC)具有显著的回归效应;CDPwV与SBP、空腹血糖(FPG)、2hPG、TC具有显著的回归效应。结论 SBP、2hPG、TC是CFPwV的显著影响因素,SBP、FPG、2hPG、TC是CDPwV的显著影响因素。异常的糖代谢状态促进动脉硬化的发生发展,糖尿病前期CFPwV、CDPwV显著升高,提示存在早期动脉硬化改变。 Objective To analyze factors in the results of arteriosclerosis test of different glucose metabolism status.Methods 527 convalescents were selected to measure and account their blood pressure and blood glucose,lipid parameters.The convalescents were divided into normal glucose tolerance group(NGT),abnormal glucose metabolism group(IFG+IGT),including IFG and IGT people,diabetes mellitus group(DM) according to blood glucose.CFPwV and CDPwV were measured by automatic arteriosclerosis determinator.The blood pressure,blood glucose,lipid parameters,CFPwV and CDPwV in three groups were compared.The associated factors with CFPwV and CDPwV were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis.Results Comparing IFG+IGT group and DM group with NGT group,the blood pressure,blood glucose,lipid parameters,CFPwV and CDPwV extremely increased in IFG+IGT group and DM group(P<0.05).The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that CFPwV merely had a significant regression effect with SBP,2hPG,TC.CDPwV merely has a significant regression effect with SBP,FPG,2hPG,TC.Conclusion CFPwV merely has a significant regression effect with SBP,2hPG,TC.CDPwV merely has a significant regression effect with SBP,FPG,2hPG,TC.States of abnormal glucose metabolism in convalescents promote the development of atherosclerosis.CFPwV and CDPwV significantly increased in early prediabetes,which indicated that the change of atherosclerosis might occur since early prediabetic state.
出处 《东南国防医药》 2011年第3期236-238,共3页 Military Medical Journal of Southeast China
关键词 动脉硬化 糖代谢 脉搏波速 影响因素 arteriosclerosis glucose metabolism pulse wave velocity factor
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