
拉萨市城镇藏族居民血脂状况的调查 被引量:1

Cross sectional study on dislipidaemia among Tiebtan citizens
摘要 目的了解拉萨30~70岁城镇居民高胆固醇和血脂异常在不同性别和年龄的分布情况。方法应用横断面的调查方法,在2006年10月~11月,按随机抽样调查了371名30~70岁藏族男性和女性。高胆固醇和血脂异常的诊断,采用了世界卫生组织(WHO)于1999年提出的新诊断标准,同时进行了问卷调查和血脂的测量。结果通过现况调查研究发现,拉萨市30~70岁城镇居民高胆因醇的患病率为5.0%(男性为5.3,女性为4.8%P=0.846),男性和女性高胆固醇的患病率无显著性的统计学差异。高甘油三脂(TC≥1.70mmol/L)的患病率为12%(男性为18.7%,女性为8.3%,P=0.038),男性高甘油三脂的患病率高于女性,差异有统计学意义。低高密度脂蛋白的患病率为5%(男性为9%,女性为3%,P=0.007),患病率在男性高于女性,有显著性。血脂异常的患病率为2%(2%为男性,1%为女性,P=0.801),无统计学差异。结论总胆固醇均数在女性高年龄组中最高。高甘油三脂、低高密度脂蛋白的患病率男性高于女性,这可能与男性的生活方式、个人行为有关。因此,加强健康教育、平衡膳食、加强体力活动和保持适宜的体重是预防冠心病的重要措施。 Objective:Aims to investigate the preval ence of hypertension among 30 to 70 years old Tibetan males and females in Lhasa,Tibet. Methods :In the present study cross sectionalepidemiological study,a simple of 371 subjects 30 to 70 years old Tibetan man and women were invited the health survey from.October to November 2006.Results :The hypercho1es cerolemia(i.e.TC=6.5mmol/L)was detected in 5.0%(5.3%VS.4.8%in men and women,p=0.846);high tlglyceride in 12.2%(18.7%vs.8.3%in men and WOmen,p=0.038);low HDL-cholester01 in 5.0%(9%VS.2.6% in men and women.P=0.007):dyslipidaemia(i.e.TG>1.7 mmol/L and HDL/c≤0.9 mmol/L in nlen and ≤1.0 mmol/L in wonlen)in 1.7%f2.3%VS.1.3%in men and women,p=0.801).Conclusions :For TC it was a tendency of higher values for aged women than men.The prevalence of high TG and low HDL-C significantly higher in men than in women.It was assosiation with individual life mode and behavior,especially in males,therefore balanced dietarv.physical activities and keeping normal body weight are very important measures to prevente coronary hearddiseaese.
出处 《西藏医药》 2011年第2期4-7,共4页 Tibetan Medicine
关键词 高脂血症 藏族 Dislipidaemia Tiebtan citizens
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