
兰州-西宁城镇密集区县域经济发展水平的时空差异 被引量:7

Evolution of temporal-spatial disparities of county economic development level in Lanzhou-Xining city-and-town concentrated areas
摘要 基于2000和2008年的经济社会统计数据,采用因子分析方法和GIS技术手段,对兰州-西宁城镇密集区县域经济发展水平的时空差异进行了综合分析。结果表明:县域经济发展水平的分布呈东西分异和低值集聚、高值分散特征,经济发达、较发达县域零星散布在甘肃黄河谷地和青海河湟谷地,而经济不发达、欠发达县域分别集中在甘肃中部和青海东部;兰州市和白银市作为区域经济发展的"双核",对区域经济的辐射带动作用明显不足,外围地带存在较大的经济低谷;经济发展水平的非均衡性尤其突出,表明兰州-西宁城镇密集区县域经济发展水平尚处于经济发展的初中期阶段。县域经济发展水平的变化总体较为稳定,局部波动明显;整体极化作用持续增强,兰州市周边大多不发达县域保持不变,个别欠发达县域仍向不发达县域退化且加剧连片分布态势;局部扩散作用逐渐显现,西宁市周边大多不发达县域向欠发达县域转化,亦呈现连片分布格局;县域经济发展水平等级差异的"金字塔"位序依然存在,一定程度上表明缺乏中等水平县域经济的过渡和支撑。 Region is an open system,the economic growth in each region not only depends on its own characters,but also on those of the regions that form the neighborhood to which it belongs.Nowadays,there is a wide gap on the level of socio-economic development across regions in China,and the imbalance in economic development is also a common phenomenon.Although the imbalance caused by the regional economic development gap is inevitable,and its existence has a reasonable side,their expansion is bound to affect the sustainable development of China's economy and society.Growth pole theory and core-periphery pattern suggest that different spatial interactions between a region and its neighbors can enlarge or lessen regional disparities.Unfortunately the traditional approaches to regional disparities suppose that each region is independent from the others,so they just evaluate the region disparity variations of 'isolate' regions and cannot tell the dynamics of interrelated regions.Based on the economic development statistics of 35 counties in Lanzhou-Xining CTCAs,this paper evaluates the county economic level in principal component analysis by SPSS 16.0 statistical software,and shows the results by ARCGIS 9.3 analysis software.According to the economic development level scores,the 35 counties are divided into four main categories.Then we analyze the spatial differences of county economic development level between 2000 and 2008 and its evolution trend from 2000 to 2008.The main conclusions are as follows: the developed counties and the developing counties distribute along the valley of Yellow River in Gansu Provence and Huangshui River and Yellow River in Qinghai Provence,Lanzhou City and Baiyin City have been both economic cores of Lanzhou-Xining CTCAs.The spatial pattern of economic development level show east-west disparities,the undeveloped counties gathered in the eastern region,and the underdeveloped counties gathered in the western region.The spatial distribution of the relatively low economic level counties gather together and the relatively high economic level counties dispersed,and the effect of spatial polarization is more significant.The quantity of county economic development level categories show a 'pyramid' order,the economic development level of Lanzhou-Xining CTCAs is still at the initial stage of economic development.The changes in the development levels of county economy is more stable in the overall and is significant fluctuations in the local.The overall polarization is continued to intensify,and the surrounding mostly counties of Lanzhou City remains the same,individual counties around Lanzhou City is still degraded from the underdeveloped county to the undeveloped county and is increased trend of contiguous distribution.The local diffusion is gradually to appear,and the surrounding mostly counties of Xining City is still upgraded from the undeveloped county to the underdeveloped county and also showed pattern of contiguous distribution.The phenomenon in county economic development levels of 'pyramid' order still exists,mainly due to lack of transition and support of middle economic level counties.
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1009-1016,共8页 Arid Land Geography
基金 国家自然基金(40771054) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金联合资助课题(20106203110002) 西北师范大学知识与科技创新团队项目(nwnu-kjcxgc-03-50) 2011年甘肃省社科规划重大招标项目<新形势下改善和优化甘肃投资环境研究>课题资助
关键词 县域经济发展水平 时空差异 因子分析 GIS 兰州-西宁城镇密集区 county economic development level temporal-spatial disparities factor analysis GIS Lanzhou-Xining CTCAs(Lanzhou-Xining city-and-town concentrated areas)
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