目的:探讨鼻唇沟皮瓣的两种切取方法及修复效果。方法:利用鼻唇沟蒂部所蕴含血管的不同,分别取蒂在上(蒂包含眶下动脉、内眦动脉)和蒂在下(蒂包含上唇动脉)的两种皮瓣修复面部不同部位的缺损。将蒂在上的11个病例列为 A 组,将蒂在下的7个病例列为 B 组。其中 A 组缺损创面最小为1.7cm×1.5cm,最大为2.6cm×2.4cm,B 组缺损创面最小为1.9cm×1.6cm,最大为2.5cm×1.8cm;所取鼻唇沟皮瓣面积最小为2.6cm×1.8cm,最大为4.4cm×2.5cm。结果:A 组(蒂在上)11例和 B 组(蒂在下)7例皮瓣均一期成活,效果满意。结论:鼻唇沟皮瓣对面部缺损的修复具有很好的应用价值,且根据其蒂部在上或下的不同选择可修复不同部位的缺损。
To compare the effect of two different patterns of nasolabial fold flap and their effects. Methods:Utilizing differet vessels in the pedicle of nasolabial fold flap,the pedicle could either be placed suprior or in ferior to repair defects of different areas of the face.Group A composed with 11 patients with the superior pedi- cle and group B 7 patients with inferior pedicle.The defects in patients of group A ranged from 1.7cm×1.5cm to 2.6cm×2.4cm in size,and that of group B ranged from 1.9cm×1.6cm to 2.5cm×1.8cm in size.The size of na- solabial fold flaps measured 2.6cm×1.8cm to 4.4cm×2.5cm.Results:All flaps in both groups survived complete- ly with satisfactory results.Conclusions:A nasolabial fold flap is of great value in repairing facial defects in differ- ent areas,and can be either superior or inferior in position.
Infection Inflammation Repair
Asolabial fold flap
Vessel pedicle