

The protective effect of gliai cell line-derived neurotrophic factor on intracerebral hemorrhage in rats
摘要 目的:探讨胶质细胞源性营养因子(GDNF)对脑出血大鼠的保护作用。为临床研究提供理论依据。方法:选用成年 SD 大鼠制备脑出血模型,克隆胚胎鼠的 GDNF 基因,构建 pcDNA3-GDNF-GFP 质粒,注射于大鼠脑出血部位,分别在不同时间点观察对出血后脑组织的影响。结果:与对照组相比,GDNF 能降低脑出血大鼠的神经缺损评分,降低脑组织含水量和血脑屏障通透性,减小出血后的血肿体积和最大坏死面积,且能增加脑组织 GDNF 阳性细胞的表达。结论:GDNF 能改善脑出血大鼠的行为学,减轻脑水肿,促进神经功能的恢复,增加脑组织的抗损伤能力,有一定的治疗意义。 Objective:To investigate the protective effect of glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) on cerebral hemorrhage in rats,so as to provide a potential novel treatment of the disease.Methods:Adult male SD rats were used to establish a model of intracerehral hemorrhage.We cloned the total sequence of rat GDNT gene, eontructed pCDNA3-GDNF-GFP vector,and injected it into the region of hemorrhage in rats,then observed the effect on brain tissue at various time points.Results:After cerebral hemorrhage,treatment with GDNF ameliorated the nerve defect grades,cerebral edema and the permeability of blood brain barrier,decreased the volume of hema- toma,and enhanced the positive expression in glial cells as well as neurons compared to the controls.Conclusion: The use of GDNF can ameliorate the neurologic disorders,decrease brain edema,promote functional recovery,and increase potentiality of brain cell against injury.
出处 《感染.炎症.修复》 2004年第1a2期32-35,共4页 Infection Inflammation Repair
关键词 胶质细胞 营养因子 脑出血 基因治疗 Glial cell Neurotrophic factor Brain hemorrhage Gene therapy
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