Objective:To investigate the effect of fihroblast cytoskeletal gene expression on the formation and contraction of hypertrophic scar and relationship among these genes.Method:According to the results of different- ly expressed genes in hypertrophic sear by microarray,five of the most important genes were selected and made in- to oligonucleotide probes.24 cases of hypertrophic scar,8 non-hypertrophic scars and 4 normal skins were used, and these scars were harvested 3,6,9,or 12 months after burns.Frozen sections and cultured fibroblasts were made to detect the expression of these genes by in situ hybridization.Results;The expression of five genes were found in sear tissue,but that in hypertrophic scars was significantly stronger than non-hypertrophic scars.Alpha- smooth muscle actin showed the strongest expression among five genes.Conclusions:Over-expression of cytoskele- tel relative genes might cause the contraction of scars,and alpha-sma seem to play a leading and key role in hyper- trophic scar formation.
Infection Inflammation Repair