

Study on combined implantation of pig dermis and autologous skin in rats
摘要 目的:本文观察了猪真皮与自体皮联合移植的效果。方法:20只Wistar鼠,背部切出全层皮肤。分别于移植真皮后当天、7天和10天再移植自体皮,打孔真皮组当天移植自体皮。通过测定创面面积和观察猪真皮与自体皮生长情况来评价创面愈合效果。结果:移植自体皮两周,自体皮与真皮牢固粘附和自体皮边缘生长扩展明显。3周,在打孔真皮上移植自体皮的创面已全部愈合,而其它3组仍残存小创面。4周移植自体皮与真皮以及创面周围组织相互融和,但自体皮与真皮之间仍存明显的分界线。各组创面面积保持在原创面的51.8%~66.9%。结论:结果提示自体皮在真皮上的移植时间和方式对创面收缩和愈合有影响。 Objective:This study observed the treatment effect of combined implantation of autologous skin on pig dermis on injured rats. Methods: Twenty Wistar rats were used,and wounds were formed by excising a piece of full thickness skin on the back. After the pig dermis was implanted, the autologous skin was grafted on the dermis immediately and at 7 and 10 days. In the group with perforated pig dermis, the autograft skin was implanted on the day when the pig dermis was implanted. The healing effect was evaluated by measuring wound area, and by observing the growth of the autograft skin. Results:Two weeks after autograft skin implantation, the skin was securely adhered to the dermis, and the edge of autograft skin expanded clearly. The wound of the autograft skin implanted in the perforation of the dermis was completely healed after 3 weeks, but the other 3 groups had remnant small wounds. The autograft skin merged with the dermis and its surrounding tissue, but clear dividing line still existed between autograft skin and dermis after implantation. The area of the implanted dermis and autograft skin varied from 51.8% to 65.9% compared to its original size. Conclusion:The results suggested that the time and the way of autologous skin grafting on xenogenous dermis may influence wound contraction and healing time.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《感染.炎症.修复》 2000年第1期30-33,共4页 Infection Inflammation Repair
关键词 真皮 移植 创面愈合 Derma Implantation Wound healing
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