华人在老挝一向安居乐业。二战以后 ,老挝华侨华人社会经历了较大的变化。 1 975 -1 986年 ,老挝当局在越南政府排华政策的影响下 ,基本上铲除了华人赖以存在的经贸根基 ,大部分华人离开了老挝。当今的老挝华侨华人社会 ,无论在经济基础和籍贯结构方面 ,基本上都不是历史上华侨社会的延续 ,而是由少数留在本地的华人、 80年代后期回归的华人以及来投资的新华侨重新建构的。当前 ,老挝华侨华人主要从事商贸活动 ,有较高的经济地位和社会地位 ,但尚少有政治诉求。
The Chinese in Laos had lived and worked in peace and contentment in Laos until 1975. During 1975-1986 the Laos government, following the Vietnamese government, carried on the policy of excluding Chinese and almost got rid of the Chinese society in Laos. Since 1986 the Chinese society in Laos gradually revived by the stimulation of the overseas Chinese investment, the increasing trade between China and Laos and the immigrants from China. Nowadays the Chinese in Laos occupy a strong economic position and share a high social status although they have not yet had a great political influence.
Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies