
驯顺的灵魂和叛逆的身体——对霍桑短篇小说《胎记》的女性主义解读 被引量:20

Docile Mind and Subversive Body: A Feminist Reading of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birthmark
摘要 在对《胎记》传统的象征主义解读中,批评家们常将主人公阿尔默去掉妻子脸上胎记的渴望与"追求完美"联系在一起,忽略了阿尔默提出的"身体/灵魂"二分法中所隐藏的男权主义话语暴力。《胎记》实质上讲述了一个"杀妻"的故事。阿尔默将妻子视为自己的附属财产、欲望的客体以及可以合法书写的文本,为了证明对她的所有权,不惜以侵害她的生命为代价。而乔治亚娜也已将男权机制内化,实现了自我物化,因此她间接充当了这一杀妻事件的帮凶。值得注意的是,乔治亚娜虽然在意识层面认同了丈夫的意志,但是她的身体却以激烈的姿态反对着男性的书写和改造。小说结尾乔治亚娜之死,既是她对男权屈服的结果,也透露出她的身体为了捍卫其主体性,以死相抗、绝不妥协的决心。 The Birthmark has always been read as a story illustrating human beings' transcendental pursuit for perfection. Yet this symbolic reading is based on the blind acceptance of the patriarchal logic of body/mind dualism which Aylmer uses to degrade his wife's female body. The story is indeed a murder story. Aylmer takes his wife as his own property and reduces her to a sex object and an artifact of his own creation. Having internalized the patriarchal norms, Georgiana accepts her fate of objectification without complaint; nevertheless, her body, which contains the power that her husband fears and tries to repress, refuses to be disciplined. Georgiana's death at the end of the story illustrates both her submission to and her subversion of the patriarchal power which is enforced to tame her.
作者 陈榕
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2004年第4期75-79,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 霍桑 胎记 女性主义解读 Hawthorne The Birthmark feminist reading
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  • 8Woolf, Virginia. A RoomofOne's Own and Three Guineas [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.











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