3Robert Braucher.The Inconvenient Federal Forum. Harvard Law Review . 1947
4Thomas M Franck.Fairness in International Law and Institutions. . 1995
1[1]J.Fawcett. Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law[M]. Oxford, Clarendon Press,1995.
2[2]Braucher. The Inconvenient Federal Forum[J]. Harvard Law Review,1947,(3).
3I.e., Garter v. Trafalgar Tours Ltd., see 704 F. Sapp. (W.D.VIR. 1989), p. 673.
4See A. A. Ehrenzweig, op. cit., p. 305.
5Cf., Permanent Bureau, 1996 Prel. Doe. No. 3, p. 2.
6Cf., for instance, A. F. Lowenfeld, Forum Shopping, Antisuit Injunctions, Negative Declarations, and Rdated Tools of Internationational Litigation, 91 The American Journal of International Law (1997), pp. 322-324.
7Cf., Permanent Bureau, op cit., p. 4.
8Cf., Permanent Bureau, op cit., p. 2.
9Cf., Permanent Bureau, Synthesis of the Work of the Special Commission of March 1998 on International Jurisdiction and the Efofats of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, drawn by Catherine Kessedjian, Preliminary Document No. 9 (1998), para. 101, p. 43.