

Usability Evaluation of Government Information Resources Governance Model in Anchoring Context
摘要 本文构建了政府信息资源治理模型(GIRGM),并对领域内的专家进行治理目标认知和治理执行要素接受程度的调查。调查发现,GIRGM的三个目标变量均能通过检测,能较好解释政府信息资源治理行为,但在治理目标期望锚定情况下,政府信息资源治理执行要素的接收程度也存在差异,仅有技术工具、政策法律和政府管理通过检测,进而提出政府信息资源治理要促进目标一致性的建设举措。 This paper built a government information resources management model(GIRGM),and investigated the relationship between GIRGM recognition and acceptance investigation taking LIS experts and doctoral candidates as objects.It found that GIRGM target variables had excellent explanatory,but the expectance of implementation variables were different because of the different target anchors,only technical tools,policies& laws,governance being jointly recognized.So advice was given to government that consensus should be prior to government information resources governing implements improving.
作者 裴雷 望俊成
出处 《信息资源管理学报》 2011年第1期105-112,共8页 Journal of Information Resources Management
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"基于生命周期理论的数字信息资源深度开发与管理机制研究"(70833005/G0314) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金重点项目"两化融合战略下江苏省信息资源开发利用的战略 思路 模式 途径与政策研究"(2010ZDIXM021)成果
关键词 政府信息资源管理模型 目标认知 态度组合调查 实证分析 Government information resources governance model Target recognition Attitude combination investigation Empirical analysis
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