
论知情不同意的法律选择——兼评《侵权责任法》第五十六条 被引量:1

the choice of law rules for the disapproval after knowing what happened——simultaneous comment on a rtile 56 in “law of liabilities for infringement”
摘要 在医疗活动中,医疗机构及医务人员经常面临患者或其家属的知情不同意.本文提出了“知情不同意”的概念,分析了知情不同意的各种可能的情形,并论证了面对不同情形时,医疗机构及其医务人员在尊重患者及其家属的自主选择权和为患者本人争取健康利益两者之间应如何选择.在此基础上,笔者简要评析了《侵权责任法》第五十六条的规定,并给出了完善的建议. In the medical diagnose and treatment. hospitals and their personnel are often faced with patients and their family members’disapproval after knowing what happened.This paper illustrates the concept and various situation of disapproval after konwing what happened,then discusses how to make choices between the respect of patients and their family members' option and the patients' health benefits for the hospitals and their personnel when they are faced with different situation.At last. the arthor comments on Artih 56 in Law of Liabilities for Ingement ,and give some suggestions to perfect it.
作者 李昊
出处 《医学与法学》 2010年第1期84-87,共4页 Medicine and Jurisprudence
关键词 知情不同意 自主选择权 生命健康权 侵权贡任法 disapproval after knowing what happened option fight life and healthright Law of Liabilities
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