目的 回顾分析我院近5年收治的患有精神类疾病飞行人员的临床特点. 方法 采用中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第3版对近5年收治的88例患精神类疾病的飞行人员进行临床资料采集、分类,统计各类疾病对飞行结论 的影响,并统计各类疾病在不同机种、年龄段、年份及生活事件中的分布情况. 结果 ①按一级编码诊断第5类癔症、应激相关障碍、神经症类所占比例最高,按三级编码诊断前3位疾病依次是:神经衰弱、无精神病性症状的抑郁、焦虑症.②歼、强击机飞行员所占比例最高.③主要年龄段集中在31~40岁.④2003年7月至2004年6月所占比例最高.⑤外伤或身患疾病、飞行安全压力是常见的生活事件. 结论 应重视军事飞行人员的精神类疾病,在招飞时严格心理评估及家族史、既往史的调查,对现役飞行人员开展经常性的心理精神健康教育,对情绪异常者及时请专业人员进行诊治.
objective to retrospectively analyze the clinical characteristic of hospitalized aircrews who were diagnosed as psychotic disorders in last 5 years. methods eighty-eight aircrews who met ccmd-3 criteria of psychotic disorders were chosen for clinical analysis. we collected clinical information such as average hospitalization times and medical assessment in different psychotic disorders. the plane type, age by group, year time and events in life were considered for analyzing sort of hysteria, stress related disorders and neurosis showed the highest proportion. the first three disorders by third class encoding diagnosis are neurasthenia, depression without psychosis symptoms trauma or disease and the pressure of flying safety are the most common events in life. conclusions it is necessary to strengthen the recognition of psychotic disorders. stricter psychological assessment should be performed in screening of pilot, as well as the personal and family medical history should also be carefully investigated at same time. psycho-education should be frequently carried out. any mental abnormity of pilot should be recognized and examined by professionals.
Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine