1 .If you droP a yellow hat in the Red Sea,what does it beeome?如果你不小心把黄帽子丢到红海单,会变成什么样? 2.What ean you Put in a wood box that will make it lighter?往木箱子上加入什么东西能使它变轻? 3 .The more you feed it,the more it grows high.But if you give itwater it .shal!quiekly die .What 15 it?什么东西你越不管它长得就越快,下,,你浇水时它立刻就消失r? 4.What goes uP but never goes down?了f么东一街只增加不减少? ’e6它JnoA’夕’eJ!」.C’。IoHV‘己’laMa山ooa日’‘:孝最IQ急转弯@林胜