1The WTO's "Most Individual Contribution" , by Renato Ruggiem, WTO Press, April 17,1997.
2C/M/83(Council Meeting of 19 December 1972) at 4.
3C/M/186 (Council Meeting of 12 March 1985)at 6.
4C/M/168 (Council Meeting of 26 May 1983)at 5.
7DS32/R, at 2, para10.
8Nick Covvelli: Public International Law and Third Party Participation in WTO Panel Proceedings, Journal of World Trade ,33(2), 1999, p.132.
9Mary E. Footer: Some Aspects of Third Party Intervention in GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding, Intemational Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law Internatinal 1997,p.235.