
储能在能源安全中的作用 被引量:8

The Role of Energy Storage in Ensuring Energy Security
摘要 世界各国在积极发展可再生能源,而很大部分可再生能源用于发电。因此"能源安全"的范畴与重心将从20世纪的以石油安全为主逐步转向21世纪的以电力安全为主。确保安全、高质量供电,同时维持电力供需平衡是电力系统面临的持续挑战。发展新能源电力为常规电力机组的变负荷能力提出新的挑战:要求电力机组具备更快的变负荷调节能力;电力机组变负荷目标的不确定性增大;电力机组负荷调节范围更大。在电力系统中采用集成储能模块是解决电力系统变负荷和新能源电力接入产生问题的有效措施。储能总的作用是实现新能源电力上网、保持电网高效安全运行和电力供需平衡。储能系统的具体功能有三种:提高电能质量、提供桥接电能、能量管理。电力储能技术有抽水蓄能技术、压缩空气储能技术、超导储能技术、超级电容器储能技术、电化学储能技术、复合储能技术。对我国发展储能产业提出以下建议:从宏观战略层面制定储能发展规划;出台利于储能技术产业化的激励政策与机制;发布储能相关技术标准和管理规范,建立储能装置回收管理机制;加强储能技术研发与示范;建立储能产业链,降低成本;探索优化商业运营模式,加快储能技术的市场化步伐。 Many countries are aggressively developing renewable energy.As most renewable energy is used for generating electricity,when it comes to defining energy security and the focus of energy security,the focal point will shift to electricity security in the 21st century from petroleum security in the 20th century.Ensuring safe and high-quality power supply and maintaining a balance between power supply and demand will be a long-term challenge faced by the electricity system.The development of alternative energy source-based electricity has created a new challenge for conventional power generators' load-regulating capacity:this requires generators to be able to regulate loads more quickly;the uncertainty in the load regulating objectives for generators has increased;and generators are required to regulate loads in a wider range.Introducing integrated energy storage modules in the electricity system is an effective approach to resolving the problems arising from load regulation and alternative energy integration.The general functions of energy storage are to integrate alternative energy sources into power grids,ensure the efficient and safe operation of power grids and maintain the balance between power supply and demand.The specific functions of an energy storage system include improving the quality of power,providing bridging power and managing energy.Electricity storage technologies include pumped storage technology,air compression energy storage technology,superconducting magnetic energy storage,super capacitor energy storage technology,electrochemical energy storage technology and composite energy storage technology.The article makes the following suggestions for the development of energy storage in China: formulating energy storage development plans at a macro strategic level;enacting policy incentives and mechanisms to promote the commercialization of energy storage technologies;publishing technical specifications and regulations for energy storage and establishing a mechanism for the management of recycling of energy storage units;strengthening the research,development and demonstration of energy storage technology;establishing energy storage industrial chain to reduce cost;and seeking to optimize the mode of business to quicken the commercialization of energy storage technology.
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2012年第2期29-35,共7页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 储能技术 能源安全 新能源 电力系统 energy storage technology energy security alternative energy power system
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