
科学与幻想:一种新科学史的可能性 被引量:3

Science and Fiction the Theoretical Possibility of a New History of Science
摘要 本文意欲探讨一种新型科学史在理论上的可能性。这种探讨是从对历史上有关外星文明和星际航行的幻想作品进行科学史研究的基础之上出发的。本文先从三个方面简要论证科学与幻想之间存在密切的互动关系。这些研究表明:科学与幻想即使被认为是处在开放边界的两边,它们也是保持密切互动的——这种互动竟是如此密切,以至于在很多情况下,两者间的边界几乎可以认为是不存在的。随后讨论了应如何看待那些含有幻想成分的"不正确的"科学理论。并在此基础上论证,将幻想视为科学活动的一部分,不仅可以得到历史事实的有力支持,而且从理论上说也是可以成立的。因此,建立在这一基础上的一种新科学史,在理论上是可能的,在现今的社会环境中,也有现实的积极意义。 This paper intended to explore the theoretical possibility of a new history of science in the sense of historiography based on studies of the history of science about fantasy novels concerning alien civilization and interstellar travel.First,this paper demonstrates from three aspects that there exists a close interaction between science and fantasy although they are considered to be at the opposite side of an open border research shows that the border between science and fantasy keeping mutual exchange and influence for and this interaction is so close that the border does not seem to exist in many cases.Then it discusses how to treat seriously the 'incorrect' scientific theory containing imagine composition,and further demonstrates,on this basis,that looking upon fantasy as a part of scientific activities not only has the strong support from historical facts,but also holds water in theory.So it is reasonable to believe that it is theoretically possible to build a new history of science on this foundation and has a real positive significance in today's social environment.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期51-60,84,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 编史学 科学幻想 科学活动 新科学史 historiography science and fantasy scientific activities a new history of science
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