将《太极图》解析成太极图的四维图象 ,并根据《周易》的周而复始、生生不息的宇宙法则和现代物理学研究成果构画出太极宇宙模型 ,同时指出太极宇宙模型的基本特征及特点。根据太极宇宙模型、《周易》原理和现代科学成就提出并描述出大统一的宇宙结构图景 ,指出“炁天人合一”是易学思想的精髓、太极法则 ,即宇宙的主体时空观和宇宙的客观本体观的统一。本文提出的太极宇宙模型及大统一的宇宙结构与欧美等国科学家最近提出的循环宇宙、中空宇宙有异曲同工之妙。
This text passes:and analyzes Taiji picture into a four-dimensional images of Taiji picture.And according to the going round and begin again cosmos rule from Zhouyi and modern physics research results draw the Taiji cosmological models,Point out the essential feature and characteristic of the Taiji cosmological models at the same time. According to the Taiji cosmological modelsl,Zhouyi,the principle and modern science achievement put forward and describe the grand unified cosmos. Point out ″harmony among man ,nature and vitality″ is the study thought of Taiji rule, namely the unify of subject space-time view and objective noumenonn view.The Taiji cosmological models and grand unified cosmos structure play the same tune on different musical instruments. with circulation cosmos and hollowness cosmos that put forward recently by the scientist of America and Europe,etc.
Taiji diagram
four-dimensional images
Taiji cosmological models
grand unified
cosmos structure