比较了6株人、5株禽、4株鼠、7株牛、2株猫、9株猪、4株犬和5株人非典型肺炎共42株冠状病毒S糖蛋白基因序列。DNAstar软件比较表明,人冠状病毒S基因核苷酸序列同源性介于27 2%~99 5%;禽的介于81 5%~100%;鼠的介于79 5%~89 6%;牛的介于97 7%~100%;猫的介于56 2%~93 9%;猪的介于54 8%~100%;犬的介于64 9%~98 8%;人非典型肺炎病毒的介于99 9%~100%。非典型肺炎冠状病毒与所有比较的42株序列的同源性均低于30 8%,预示该病毒似乎不是其它病毒株变异进化的结果,而是人类和畜禽从未接触过的一种新型病毒。
The sequences of spike glycoprotein genes of six human coronavirus strains,five avian infectious bronchitis virus strains,four murine hepatitis virus strains,seven bovine coronavirus strains,two feline coronavirus strains,nine porcine coronavirus strains (epidemic diarrhea virus,transmissible gastroenteritis virus),four canine coronavirus strains and five SARS coronavirus strains were compared by software DNAstar.It is shown that the sequence consensus of human coronavirus spike glycoprotein genes is 27.2%~99.5%;that of avian infectious bronchitis viruses is 81.5%~100%;of feline coronavirus strains is 79.5%~89.6%;of bovine coronavirus strains is 97.7%~100%;of canine coronavirus strains is 64.9%~98.8%;of SARS-related coronavirus is 99.9%~100%.The sequence consensus of spike glycoprotein genes of SARS coronavirus strains compared with forty-two other coronavirus strains is lower than 30.8%,which indicates that SARS-related coronavirus might not evolve from the other kind of viruses,but it is a new kind of virus that humankind has never touched before.
Shandong Science