Biological Effects of Endosperm of Triticum aestivum L Implanted by Energetic Heavy Ions
Biological Effects of Endosperm of Triticum aestivum L Implanted by Energetic Heavy Ions
36 MeV/u^(16)O^(8+)ion beams with different doses were used to implant into endosperms of seeds of cultivars 86336 and 14615,spring wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).The ions with 1×10~7,5×10~7,and 1×10~8 ion/cm2~ were for experiment of soluble protein assay of 86336 while that wittl 1×10~8 ion/cm^2 were for farm test of 86336
Wei Zengquan, Li Xinglin, Wang Xiaojuan, Gao Qingxiang, Wang Yafub Xie Zhongkui, Xie Hongmeia and Li Wenjiana State Key Laboratory of Arid Agroecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, P.R.China.Gaolan Station of Ecological Agriculture, Lanzhou Branch, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 730200, P.R.China.School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.
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