Objective To predict the tolerance of the brain to carotid occlusion using noninvasive methods.Methods The peak(pV) and mean blood flow velocity(mV) of middle cerebral artery (MCA) and anterior cerebralartery (ACA) and pulsatility index (PI) were measured pre-and postoperatively with transcranial Dopplerultrasound diagnosis system(TCD) associated with the regional cerebral oxygen (rSO2) and somatosensory evokedpotentials (SSEPs) evaluation in 15 patients during manual compression, temporary occlusion and permanentocclusion Ol the carotid artery (CAO). Results There was no neurological delcit appearing during CAO in allthe cases. The mV of ipsilateral MCA and ACA reduced (31.79±13.59)% (12.58% ~56.16%) and reversed to 27.69±23.15cm/s and the rSO2 decreased (5.29±1.96)% (2%~9%). There was a linear correlation between percentchange in mV of ipsilateral MCA and rSO2 fall (P=0.0001). No more than 50% attenuation of SSEPs occurred inall the cases. The difference of PI in all recording time was not signilicant in our study. The pV was correlatedwith mV (P=0.0001). No variables were different significantly between compression and occlusion. Conclusion Afall in velocity by more than 70%, in rSO2 by more than 10% or in SSEPs amplitude by more than 50% iscompelling evidence for intolerance to CAO.