
特色濒危剧种生存对策之我见——以山西地方小戏为案例探讨 被引量:2

Strategy of Helping Typical Endangered Opera Species Survive——A Case Study of Shanxi Local Operas
摘要 本文以山西的戏曲状况作个案进行分析,认为山西戏曲演出现状,一是剧团锐减,二是剧种濒危,三是演出市场萧条,四是戏曲艺术演出水平降低、戏曲艺人地位下降、人材流失、后继乏人。如何解决?笔者认为,首先应把戏曲列入各级非物质文化遗产名录,借助我国重视非物质文化遗产保护之东风,以求一些剧种不致濒危,甚至得以发展。其次是大力扶持民营剧团的组建与演出。三是采取多种形式组织演出。四是在它们还未消亡之前,组织它们作保存性演出,进行录像、录音,拍摄照片,保存音像资料。同时收集文献资料,撰写调查报告,编纂剧种志书,为后世保存真实而可靠的文字资料。另外,设法把有特色的濒危剧种的艺术嫁接到其他剧种中。艺术特色的移用,在某种意义上说,也是濒危剧种生命的延续。 The opera scholars and experts get together to find out strategies of protecting endangered opera for some of them are disappearing. This paper bases on the investigation of Shanxi operas,and proposes that the current situation of Shangxi opera performance is that opera group numbers decrease rapidly,some species of opera are disappearing,performance market is in depression and craftsmanship of opera performance has fallen,status of opera performers has gone down with consequence of missing professionals and few carriers. How could we solve these problems? First,opera should be added to intangible cultural heritage (ICH) list at different levels,and could be developed with the wind of Chinese ICH protection. Second,private theatre groups should be created and organized to do performances. Third,performance forms could be various. Fourth,before their death,help them perform and preserve performanceforms—make video and tape recording,take photographs and then save these materials. Meanwhile,we could collect literatures,write fieldwork report and record different species of opera,all of which will be true and reliable written materials to our later generations. Finally,we could try to transplant the art of typical endangered operas into other active operas,which could be continuation of endangered opera life. If the above methods could be executed at the same time,some endangered opera may be saved.
作者 黄竹三
出处 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2011年第2期14-17,157,共4页 Cultural Heritage
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