

Opinions on Several Issues Relating to Patent Infringement Establishment(For Trial Implementation)
摘要 我国自1985年4月1日起实行专利制度,至今已有17年。十几年来,全国法院审结的一审专利案件超过1万件,其中70%以上是侵犯专利权案件。建立专利制度的目的是为了保护发明创造权,鼓励发明创造,有利于发明创造的推广应用,促进科学技术进步和创新,适应社会主义现代化建设的需要。其中,核心是依法保护发创造专利权。人民法院的职能作用决定了人民法院在保护专利权的工作中担负着极其重要的作用。依法保护专利权、制裁侵犯专利权行为的关键在于进行专利侵权判定。这项工作既涉及法律问题,也涉及技术问题,涉及到科学技术的各个领域及各个方面,它是实行专利制度的各国公认的司法难题之一,也是专利界学术争议的焦点之一。由于我国在专利侵权方面的法律规定比较原则,司法实践经验尚不丰富,因此,审理专利侵权案件不仅法官感到难度较大,专利律师及首事人也时常感到无所适从。为了更有效的保护发明创造专利权,统一司法标准,北京市高级人民法院根据《专利法》、《专利法实施细则》及最高人民法院相关司法解释的规定,在总结多年专利审判经验,并广泛征求专家意见的基础上,起草了《专利侵权判定若干问题的意见(试行)》并已经审判委员会讨论通过下发,在北京市中、高两级法院专利审判工作中执行。这份《意见》较系统地阐述了专利侵权判定中涉及的各种实务问题,作为北京市地方法院的一份文件,它虽然不是一份司法解释,不宜在法律文书中直接引用,但它是一份审理专利侵权案件实践经验的总结,为法官判定专利侵权提供了一份参照标准,能够有助于法官对相关法律、法规的理解。当然,《意见》中的有些观点,在专利界多年一直有所争论。我们发表此文件的目的是为了向广大专利界读者传达相关信息,同时也希望对该《意见》有不同意见能及时向北京法院反馈,以便使该《意见》在实践中不断得到补充和完善。 It has been 17 years since the patent system was introduced on l April 1985.For more than a decade,the number of patent cases of first instance closed by the courts in China has exceeded 10,000,of which over 70% are cases of patent infringement.The goals of establishing the patent system are to protect the invention-creation rights,encourage invention-creation,facilitate the spread and application of invention-creations,boost the progress and innovation of science and technology and meet the needs of the socialist modernisation drive.The key point is to protect the patent right for invention-creations according to law.It has been determined by the function and role of the people's court that it plays an extremely important role in the protection of the patent right.The key issue of protecting the patent right and punishing acts of patent right infringement according to law is the adjudication of patent infringement,a matter that relates both to law and to technology,concerning all aspects and disciplines of the science and technology.It is one of the difficult legal issues widely recognised in the patent systems worldwide and one of the focuses of academic debates in the patent community. The Chinese laws and regulations governing patent infringement are very much in principle,and China lacks rich experience in its judicial practice.As result,the judges find it difficult to hear cases of patent infringement,and the patent lawyers and interested parties are often at a loss what to do.In order to more effectively protect the patent right for invention-creations and to harmonise the judicial standards,the Beijing Higher People's Court has prepared the Opinions on Several Issues Relating to Patent Infringement Establishment in accordance with the Patent Law,the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law and the relevant judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's Court and in the light of its years of experience in hearing patent cases and on the basis of the expert opinions solicited,and issued upon discussion thereof by its Adjudication Committee for implementation in the higher and intermediate people's courts of the Beijing Municipality. The Opinions on Several Issues Relating to Patent Infringement Establishment expound,in a relatively systematic manner,a variety of practical issues relating to the patent infringement adjudication.As a document prepared by the local court of the Beijing Municipality,while the document,being not a judicial interpretation,does not lend itself well to direct citation in legal instruments,it is a summary of the practical experience accumulated in hearing cases of infringement,offering a frame of reference to the judges in adjudicating cases of patent infringement and helping them understand the relevant laws and regulations. Indeed,some points in the Opinions have been,for years,under constant debate in the patent community,Our purpose of publishing this document is to communicate some relevant information to the extended readership in the field of patent,and,meanwhile,seek feedback therefrom,so as to further amplify and improve the Opinions in practice.
出处 《中国专利与商标》 2002年第3期78-97,共20页 China Patents & Trademarks
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