The mysterious Tu-Dun tombs (also known as mound tombs, as they look like mounds of earth) to the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China were populous during the period from the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period. Since their excavation in 1970s, there have been a lot of controversies among academic community and many mysteries unsolved. In 2005, a preservation project of 46 Tu-Dun tombs located along the Ningchang and Zhenli highways helped archaeologists understand more about the tombs: the Tu-Dun with multiple tombs and concentric structure coexisting with one mound and one tomb, the complicated sacrificial rites, the construction of tombs, the use of grave goods, and the wood or stone tomb structure. Among more than 3,800 excavated articles, hard earthenware imprinted with decorative patterns and primitive chinaware become main factors deciding the specific historical period for Tu-Dun tombs in China. While at the same time, there are still a large amount of mysteries confusing the excavators. Having revealed the tip of an iceberg, the archeologists also face the problem of how to preserve over 3,000 Tu-Dun tombs in Ningzhen area.
China Cultural Heritage