2Barbara Hardy, "Providence Invoked: Dogmatic Form in Jane Eyre and Robinson Cruso ", in Charlotte Bronte ' s Jane Eyre , eel. , Harold Bloom (Chelsea House Publishers), D. 28.
3F.B. Pinion, A Bronte Cornpanion LiteraryAssrnent, Background and Reference (Western Printing Services Ltd., 1975), p.53.
4Helene Moglen, "The End of Jane Eyre and the Creation of a Feminist Myth', in Charlotte Bronte' s Jane Evre , D. 60.62.
5Leslie Stephen, Hours in a Library, Vol. Ⅲ(Cornhill Publishers, 1909), p. 26.
6Kathleen Tillotson, Novels of the Eighteen-Forties(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956), p. 149.
7Terry Eagleton, Myths of Power: A Marxist Study of the Brontes (London: Macumillan, 1975), p. 55.
8Sandra M. Gilbert & Susan Gubar, The Madwoman In the Attic (Yale University Press, 1999), p.358.
9Gail Cunningham, Everywhere Spoken Against:Dissent in the Victorian Novel (Oxford: Clarendon Press,Oxford University Press, 1962), p. 73.
10Sandre M.Gillbert & Susan Guber,The Madwoman In the Attic,P,370.