宽带数字化VLBI记录终端是国际VLBI服务组织(IVS)VLBI 2010发展计划的关键设备。上海天文台进行了数字基带转换器(DBBC)的研究。DBBC由模拟射频部分和数字部分两大模块组成。数字部分控制功能主要实现FPGA加载、BBC参数设置和读取、系统工作状态的监视等功能。该文研究了以Xilinx FPGA为平台构建基于PowerPC(硬核)和PCI总线(OPB_PCI软核)的嵌入式系统,接收控制计算机命令,并作相应的处理以实现数字部分控制功能。
DBBC (Digital Base-Band Converter) is the key equipment of VLBI 2010 development plans of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). Because of China’s lunar exploration program,the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory is developing DBBC now. The DBBC consists of two parts: the analog radio part and the digital part. The controlling function of digital part is responsible for such tasks: configuring FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array),setting BBC parameters (frequency and bandwidth),reading BBC parameters and monitoring the status of DBBC. In this article an embedded system based on PowerPC (hard core) and PCI bus controller(soft core),which are implemented in Xilinx FPGA FX60,is developed. According to the orders which are sent by the controlling computer,the embedded system executes different programs to obtain the controlling function.
Annals Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences