
Toll样受体4与支气管哮喘气道高反应 被引量:4

Toll like receptors4 and its role in airway hyperresponsiveness of bronchial asthma
摘要 气道高反应性是支气管哮喘的基本特征。气道高反应的机制目前尚未完全阐明。当前支气管哮喘的治疗亦不能有效地抑制气道高反应性和气道重塑。近来发现,Toll样受体是一种属于I型跨膜蛋白的天然免疫模式识别受体。TLR4通过调控气道炎症,促进气道平滑肌增生,参与气道重塑等方式参与气道高反应性过程。本文主要探讨TLR4与在支气管哮喘气道高反应中的作用。 Airway responsieness is a key feature of bronchial asthma.The mechanism of hyperresponsiveness is not known entirely.The current bronchial asthma treatment can′t restrain effectively in airway responsieness and airway reconstruction.Through regulating airway inflammation,promoting the airway smooth muscle hyperplasia,participating in the airway remolding,TLR4 plays a key role in the mechanism of hyperresponsiveness.With the research about TLR4,we can know more about the mechanism of hyperresponsiveness in bronchial asthma.
出处 《中华哮喘杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2011年第5期358-361,共4页 Chinese Journal of Asthma(Electronic Version)
基金 上海自然科学基金基础重点研究项目(08JC1415200) 上海市卫生局青年科研项目资助
关键词 TOLL样受体 支气管哮喘 气道高反应 Toll like receptors Bronchial asthma Airway hyperresponsiveness
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