20世纪是工业经济主流的世纪 ,2 1世纪则是知识、信息、网络经济主流的世纪。网络经济时代超越工业经济时代 ,突出表现为十大特点和发展趋势 ,即网络时空超越物理时空、网络经济社会超越工业经济社会、网络经济超越物质经济、生产要素的新组合和新机制、社会生产方式及其价值向度的新变化、全球化大市场对区域性市场的超越、从比较优势到竞争优势、从收益递减到收益递增的超越、智力资本超越物质资本、持续创新优势超越规制规模优势。
This essay considers that in the 20th century the industrial economy is its essential aspect.But in the 21st century knowledge,information,network economy are its essential aspects.There are ten characteristics & tendencies in the network economic times surpassing the industiral economic times.That means the network space is surpassing the physical space,the information society is surpassing the industrial society,the network economy is surpassing the material economy.And the productive essential factor has its new combination and new mechanism,its new changes in the social productive way and value.The whole global market is surpassing the district region market.The comparative superiority is coming to competition superiority.The increasing income is surpassing the decreasing income.The intelligence capital is surpassing the material capital.The superiority of the blazing new trails is surpassing the superiority of the formal scale.
Journal of Sichuan Administration Institute
network economic times,characteristics,tendency