加入WTO后我国所面临的亟待解决的问题之一是如何依据国际规则 ,结合本国服务业发展现状 ,开放本国服务贸易市场。本文在比较分析各国市场准入法律状况的基础上 ,探讨了我国服务贸易市场准入的法律状况 ,提出在我国服务贸易的市场准入中应遵循的原则立场 ,并对我国市场准入进行了预测。
After joining WTO,one of the problems we are facing is how to open our domestic markets according to the present situation is service & the international rules.This essay has made inquiry into the legal on the basis of analysing the legal situation about entering the markets.It also raises the principle stand and forecasts the market norms.
Journal of Sichuan Administration Institute