
胃组织中微量元素的含量与分布研究 被引量:3

Research on the Relative Content and Distribution of Trace Elements in Stomach Tissues
摘要 研究正常胃组织和胃肿瘤组织中微量元素相对含量和分布的差异,分析其对肿瘤诊断的影响。利用同步辐射X射线荧光(XRF)技术逐点测量正常胃组织和恶性肿瘤组织荧光光谱,然后确定微量元素的分布,取平均值作为相对含量。胃肿瘤组织中的微量元素的相对含量明显高于正常胃组织的相对含量,在胃肿瘤组织中Fe元素的相对含量增长的比例较大、其次是Ca元素,而Cu、Zn和Se增长的比例接近相等。不同元素之间的拮抗作用也不尽相同,Cu/Zn呈增加趋势、Zn/Se呈减少趋势,而Cu/Fe下降趋势特别显著。另外,胃肿瘤组织中的微量元素的分布也不同于正常胃组织的微量元素的分布,在正常胃组织中,微量元素呈均匀分布的趋势,而在癌变的胃组织中微量元素则相对集中,特别是Cu、Zn和Se基本集中在癌巢的区域。正常胃组织和肿瘤组织中微量元素的相对含量和分布是不同的,可以为胃肿瘤的诊断提供有用信息。 The relative content and the distribution of trace elements in the normal gastric tissues and gastric tumor tissue were studied,and its impact was analysis for tumor diagnosis.The fluorescence spectra of normal and malignant gastric tissue were measured using point-by-point by X-ray fluorescence(XRF) technology based on synchrotron radiation,the distribution of trace elements was determined,and their average was as relative content.The relative content of trace elements in the tumor tissues was higher than that of normal gastric tissue.There was larger growth in the relative content of Fe for gastric tumor,the second was the elements Ca,and the growth proportion of Cu,Zn and Se was nearly equal and very lower.The antagonism of all kinds of elements was different.There was an increasing trend for Cu/Zn in cancerous gastric tissues,but that of Zn/Se was tended to decrease,that downward trend of Cu/Fe was particularly significant.In addition,the distribution of trace elements in the gastric tumor tissue were differs from that of normal gastric tissues.The trace elements were evenly distributed in the normal stomach tissue,but the trace elements in cancerous tissues were relatively focused.In particular,Cu,Zn and Se were concentrated in the cancer nests.The relative contents and distribution of trace elements is different in normal or cancerous gastric tissue,and can provide useful information for the diagnosis of stomach tumor.
出处 《生物医学工程研究》 2012年第4期254-258,共5页 Journal Of Biomedical Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(NO.11175152) 江苏省基础研究计划项目(BK2008199)
关键词 微量元素 相对含量 分布 X射线荧光分析 胃组织 肿瘤 Trace elements Relative content Distribution X-ray fluorescence analysis Gastric tissue Tumor
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