
网站网页归档相关问题初步探讨 被引量:7

Preliminary Study on Issues Relating to the Archives Pages of Websites
摘要 网站作为国家机关、事业单位和团体组织对外服务的平台,会形成大量具有保存、凭证和文化价值的电子文件。从"重要信息保存、信息发布凭证、时代文化承载"的目标定位看,应按照专门的技术要求对网站网页进行及时、可靠的归档管理。归档时,可采用"双数据源"方式进行,既保存一份原始的HTML文档,同时再将HTML文档转化为版式文档进行保存,而版式文档的格式宜采用国内的OFD标准,同时另存一份PDF格式作为备份。网页存档不必强求全息保存,可按网页信息分件、按专题信息立卷、按栏目信息归类、按门户网站成宗,按日、周、旬、月、季、年等不同时间段定期捕获、打包、封装,按"一页一源"的基本原则,确保归档内容的唯一性。网站主办与维护单位应建设网页电子文件归档管理信息系统,以实现电子文件的有效管理与利用。 As a platform for external services in state organs,institutions,and organizations,websites form a large number of electronic documents devoted to conservation,certificates and culture.In order to realize the objectives such as 'Key information storage','information publish documentation',and'culture bearer ',website pages should be archived timely under specific technical requirement.The 'double-data-source' approach should be used in the archives,to save a copy of the original HTML and HTML document in layout format.The layout format should adapt to the OFD standard and a PDF format should be saved as backup purpose.Website archive is not necessary follow holographic data storage.It can be classified into different categories according to the website contents,for example,classified by the website information,by thematic information,or by website column.Achieves can be saved or packaged according a specific sequence of time,such as a day,a week,ten days,a month,a quarter or a year.The content uniqueness should be ensured under the principle of the 'an archive page with a unique webpage'.Website holders or maintenance units should build electronic website filing system to realize an effective management and use of the electronic documents.
出处 《国土资源信息化》 2012年第3期69-72,共4页 Land and Resources Informatization
关键词 电子文件 网站 网页 归档管理 Electronic documents Website Web page Archive management
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