用TiO2和纳米TiO2/β-环糊精分别对簇绒地毯进行整理,通过自制装置比较整理剂对二甲苯的光催化降解能力。检测结果表明,纳米TiO2整理剂中加入β-环糊精的光催化降解优势明显。将整理试样在紫外灯、氙灯、室内自然光下照射,氙灯照射的降解效果最明显。在室内自然光照射2周后,纳米TiO2/β-环糊精地毯可将浓度为215 mg/m3的二甲苯降解74.8%。
The gauge carpets were finished by nano TiO2 and β-cyclodextrins respectively.The photocatalytic degradation ability of the finishing agent was tested through the homemade device.Test results showed that the nano TiO2 improved the photocatalytic degradation obviously.The finishing samples were illuminated in the UV lamp,xenon lamp and indoor natural light,the xenon lamp got the obvious degradation effect.After illuminated in indoor natural light for two weeks,the nano TiO2/β-cyclodextrins gauge carpet degradeated 74.8% xylene(215 mg/m3).
Technical Textiles