

Expression profile of glioblastoma tissue before-and-after the radiotherapy and its significance
摘要 目的胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)组织放射治疗前后基因表达谱中相关基因表达差异的变化及意义。方法采用BioStarH-141s含13929条人类全长基因cDNA表达谱芯片,对5例胶质母细胞瘤组织进行放疗前及放疗60Gy后检测,并分析它们之间免疫相关基因表达差异。结果胶质母细胞瘤放疗60Gy后与放疗前比较,表达差异基因中改变最明显的功能群是免疫系统相关的基因,IGLV基因上调。细胞增殖、细胞调亡、细胞周期、DNA修复系统也有部分基因发生明显变化。结论提示对胶质母细胞瘤组织照射60Gy后,基因表达谱改变的研究可以更好地阐明放射敏感性差异机制,为放疗前或放疗早期寻找到预测放射敏感性分子标志提供理论依据。 Objective To study the change of gene express profile of glioblastoma(GBM) tissue before-and-after the radiation and analyze the correlation among the gene.Methods BioStarH-141s profile genechip which contained 13929 points of full length human genes was used to detect five GBM tissue before-and-after radiation and to analyse the genes expressed differently.Results The results showed that,after radiation of 60Gy,there were 18 genes expressed differently,including 8 up-regulate genes and 10 down-regulate genes.And,the gene group which changed the most obviously was related to the function of immunity,for instance,up-regulate genes:IGLV.Some genes related to cell proliferation、apoptosis、cell cycle and DNA-repair system,also differently expressed in evidence.Conclusion The results indicated that,research the change of the gene express profile of GBM tissue before-and-after the radiation could better clarify the mechanism of radiation sensitivity.It may afford theoretic idea to find molecular markers to predict radiation sensitivity before or at the forepart of radiation therapy.
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2012年第11期1873-1874,共2页 Sichuan Medical Journal
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(编号:2005AA001070)
关键词 胶质母细胞瘤 放射治疗 基因表达谱 glioblastoma radiotherapy gene expression genechip
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