针对DEM(数字高程模型)、DOM(数字正摄影像)数据量大、数据种类多、数据格式复杂的特点,基于组件式ArcGIS Engine二次开发,实现简单、精准、高效的DEM、DOM质量检查。
Currently,flood is the most important natural disasters of the world.Non-engineering measures to prevent floods is an important means of reducing flood losses.Regional Economic Development along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province is under serious threat.Visual Studio 2008 and ArcGIS Engine 9.3 are used as the development tools.Weighted comprehensive Analysis(WCA) and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) are used to build Flood Risk Assessment Model.ArcGIS Engine component technology is used for designing the Flood Risk Assessment Information System.The main function of the system is to evaluate the flood risk,and provide technical support for flood prevention decision-making in the studied region.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology