
为什么寄生性繁殖的鸟类产厚壳卵?(英文) 被引量:1

Why do brood parasitic birds lay strong-shelled eggs?
摘要 鸟类巢寄生是研究协同进化的模式系统。寄生性繁殖的鸟类进化出非常独特、且相对要厚很多的卵壳。关于厚卵壳的进化,主要有以下假说:1)防止产卵损坏假说,即寄生者在巢上将卵产至宿主的巢中时避免损坏;2)防止宿主啄破假说,即厚卵壳可以有效防止宿主对寄生卵的啄破,使其无法扔掉寄生卵;3)雏鸟生长能量假说,即雏鸟具有排他性,由于其较大的身体肌肉骨骼系统发育需要大量钙质,导致卵壳的钙富集而变得较厚;4)抗菌保护假说,即较厚的卵壳有利于保护寄生者的胚胎免于被宿主巢内的微生物所侵害。本文综述了目前关于寄生性繁殖鸟类的厚卵壳进化机制的研究,认为这些假说之间并非相互排斥,但都缺乏足够的实验证据,尽管防止产卵损坏假说和防止宿主啄破假说得到了较多的支持。对于防止宿主啄破假说,如何去量化宿主对寄生卵的拒绝方式如口吞式扔卵、啄破式扔卵和弃巢等,均直接影响到该假说的检验。对此,我们给出了具体的研究建议。 Brood parasitic birds constitute a model system for the study of coevolution.Such parasites are unique by having evolved unusually thick eggshells for their body size.ick eggshells have been hypothesized to evolve as 1) a means of preventing damage to parasite eggs when the brood parasite lays its egg at a distance from the host clutch(the laying damage hypothesis);2) a consequence of host puncture ejection(the puncture resistance hypothesis);3) a means for the brood parasite to allocate calcium to development of a disproportionately large skeleto-muscular system in evicting parasite chicks(the chick vigour hypothesis);or 4) a means of protecting the cuckoo embryo from microorganisms in the nest of the host(the anti-bacterial protection hypothesis).Here we review the literature studying the evolutionary mechanisms promoting thick eggshells in avian brood parasites,and provide proposals for future studies to test their validity.Available data are insu cient to rigorously test exclusive predictions and assumptions of these not necessarily exclusive hypotheses,although the laying damage and the puncture resistance hypotheses seem to currently be the most well supported alternatives.We discuss how quanti cation of rejection modes(grasp ejection,puncture ejection and desertion) may disclose the validity of the puncture resistance hypothesis,and nally we provide perspectives for future research on testing this speci c hypothesis.
出处 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第4期245-258,共14页 中国鸟类(英文版)
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.31071938 to AA,BGS and WL,31272328 to WL,31101646 and 31260514 to CY) Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-10-0111 to WL) BGS and FF were funded by the Research Council of Norway (218144)
关键词 巢寄生 牛鹂 杜鹃 扔卵行为 厚壳卵 brood parasites,cowbirds,cuckoos,ejection behavior,strong eggshells
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