
多房囊性肾细胞癌病理、临床及影像学诊断的研究 被引量:4

Research in pathology, clinical and imaging diagnosis of multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma
摘要 多房囊性肾细胞癌(MCRCC)是肾癌的一种少见亚型,具有低分期、低分级、预后良好和可手术治愈的特点。但需与肾囊肿、肾癌囊变、多房囊性肾瘤等其他肾囊性病变相鉴别。因此,提高MCRCC的术前影像学诊断水平具有重要意义,可有效避免术中冷冻对鉴别确诊良恶性的不可靠性。本文对MCRCC的临床和病理特点、影像学表现和鉴别诊断进行综述。 Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma(MCRCC) is one of the uncommon subtype of renal cell carcinoma(RCC),with lower tumor-node-metastasis(TNM) stage,lower pathologic grade and a better prognosis compared with other types of RCC.The MCRCC should be differentiated from renal cystic diseases such as renal cyst,RCC with cystic change,multilocular cystic nephroma,etc.The preoperative imaging diagnosis should imminently be improved since intraoperative frozen section diagnosis is not reliable to the identification and diagnosis of MCRCC.This review is focused on the clinical and pathological features of MCRCC,and its imaging findings and differential diagnosis.
出处 《肿瘤影像学》 2013年第1期63-67,71,共6页 Oncoradiology
关键词 多房囊性肾细胞癌 肾肿瘤 影像 诊断 Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma Renal tumor Image Diagnosis
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