
陶瓷基复合装甲防12.7mm穿甲燃烧弹的靶试研究(Ⅳ) 被引量:2

Target Experiment about Ceramics-based Composite Armor against 12.7 mm Armor Piercing Incendiary(Ⅳ)
摘要 利用12.7 mm穿甲燃烧弹靶试陶瓷基的3种复合装甲板,探讨弹-靶的相互作用,研究陶瓷基复合装甲结构与陶瓷材料的抗弹性能。结果发现:当陶瓷板对弹丸的阻力与弹丸的作用力平衡时,陶瓷板可将弹丸挡在陶瓷板前;Al2O3陶瓷的抗弹能力优于(SiC+Si)陶瓷;须约束陶瓷板才能充分发挥其抗弹优势。在分析弹-靶作用的基础上,提出"陶瓷基复合装甲存在陶瓷组元的弹靶临界厚度"概念,当陶瓷厚度大于临界厚度时,陶瓷板能将弹丸挡在陶瓷板前,而陶瓷自身的损害几乎可以忽略;陶瓷材料存在弹靶临界厚度的必要条件是其动态硬度高于弹丸,临界厚度取决于材料动态特性、靶板结构和靶板各组元的结合强度。 The interaction between projectile and target is discussed through target experiments on three kinds of ceramics-based composite armors against 12.7 mm armor piercing incendiary.It is found by studying the armor ballistic performance of ceramics-based composite armor structure and ceramics materials that: the ceramic plate is able to fend off the projectile's impact when the balance between the projectile's action and the plate's resistance to the projectile comes forth;the ballistic performance of Al2O3 ceramics excels that of ceramics(SiC+Si);the ceramic material can exhibit its excellent ballistic performance only when it is restricted rigidly.Based upon the analysis on the interaction of projectile-target,a new concept is presented that there is a critical thickness between projectile and target for ceramic elements existed in the ceramics-based composite armors.When the thickness of ceramics is higher than this critical thickness,the ceramic plate may fend off the projectile and there is little damage for ceramics itself.The necessary condition of the critical thickness existing in the ceramic materials is that its dynamic hardness is higher than that of projectile,and the critical thickness depends on the dynamic behavior of materials,the target plate structure and integrating strength of each target plate element.
出处 《装甲兵工程学院学报》 2013年第2期75-79,共5页 Journal of Academy of Armored Force Engineering
基金 军队科研计划项目
关键词 陶瓷基复合装甲 高速碰撞 穿甲机理 防护机理 陶瓷动态特性 ceramics-based composite armor high velocity impact armor piercing mechanism protection mechanism dynamic behavior of ceramics
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