
上海市闵行区公共场所人群控烟现状调查 被引量:2

Status Quo of Tobacco Control in Public Places in Minhang District, Shanghai
摘要 目的了解上海市闵行区居民对公共场所实施禁烟规定的态度。方法采用随机抽样的方法,对上海市闵行区101家公共场所的3834名人员进行拦截式问卷调查。结果本次共调查3834名市民,其中男性占54.4%,女性占45.6%,场所内工作人员占47.4%,顾客占52.7%。对控烟立法的知晓率为90.2%,支持率为88.7%;对目前场所《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》执行情况满意的为81.7%,有69.2%的被访对象每周至少1天以上在公共场所(工作场所)被迫受到烟草烟雾的侵害,对于"过滤嘴=低危害,低焦油、低尼古丁=低危害"这些错误观点的正确认知率只有45.8%和32.5%。结论市民普遍支持《条例》的实施,同时,对目前场所《条例》执行情况满意度也处于较高水平,但公众仍受二手烟暴露危害,对吸烟相关错误观点认识不足。 Objective To understand people’s attitudes towards legislation of smoking ban in public places in Minhang District. Methods A total of 3 834 people were surveyed in an interception way with questionnaire by random sampling in 101 public places in Minhang District. Results A total number of 3p834 people were investigated with 54.4% male and 45.6% female. The staff in these public places accounted for 47.4% and customers 52.7%. The rate of knowing legislation of tobacco control legislation was 90.2%, and the supporting rate was 88.7%. The rate of satisfaction with the implementation of the legislation was 81.7%. The rate of the subjects who had passive smoking in the public places (working places) at least one day a week was 69.2%. The correct answering rates of those false ideas as 'The filter tip = low harm' and 'low tar, low nicotine = low harm' are only 45.8% and 32.5% respectively. Conclusion The residents generally support Shanghai Public Place Tobacco Control Ordinance. They also have a higher satisfaction with the present practice. But the public are still harmed by second-hand smoke and have false ideas on smoking.
出处 《健康教育与健康促进》 2011年第2期133-135,共3页 Health Education and Health Promotion
关键词 公共场所 控烟 监测 被动吸烟 Public places Tobacco control Monitoring Passive smoking
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