
英国土地自由继承地产的内涵及其法律规范 被引量:2

The Connotation and Legal Norms of Fee Simple in English Land Law
摘要 自由继承地产是英国土地法上权利人所能享有的最充分的土地权利形态,由于法律传统不同,英国土地法上这一权利的内涵与大陆法系上的所有权存在明显差异。诺曼征服后英格兰普遍的土地保有制是这一权利产生的基础。亨利二世时期开始,随着普通法的产生和发展,自由继承地产逐渐产生,到14世纪初,这一地产的内涵得以明确。在英国土地法律史上,自由继承地产始终处在土地保有制法律关系之下,最终也没有演变成大陆法上的土地所有权。英国土地法不仅没有产生所有权,大陆法上的所有权概念也从来不能适用于英国的自由继承地产,我们必须结合土地保有制这一制度背景来认识和分析英国地产的内涵和有关的法律规范。 The estate in fee simple is the largest interest that one person can have in English land law,it contrasts sharply with the proprietary right on the Civil Law System owing to different legal tradition.The general framework of tenurial system which had been erected after the Norman Conquest was the basis of its construction,while it has been constructed with the making of English common law ever since the ages of HenryⅡ.At the beginning of the 14th century,English law gave a definition to the estate in fee simple and formed a systematic regulations for its protection and disposition.Historically speaking,the doctrine of tenure was the most important doctrine in English land law and the tenurial legal framework was the basis of English land law,which made the conception of proprietary right on the Civil Law System unfit for the interpretation of English real estate law.We should interpret English land law in combination with the institutional basis of tenure,and only in this way can we really understand the wisdom of English property law.
作者 咸鸿昌
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《南京大学法律评论》 CSSCI 2009年第2期189-203,共15页 Nanjing University Law Review
关键词 土地 土地保有制 保有权 地产 自由继承地产 所有权 Land tenure Seisin Estate Fee simple Ownership
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