监测并统计了大庆市四座生活污水处理厂污泥泥质重金属含量水平,与标准比较发现:污泥中重金属含量水平整体不高,完全符合《城镇污水处理厂污泥处置混合填埋泥质标准》CJ/T249-2007的重金属标准的要求,符合《城镇污水处理厂污泥处置农用泥质》(Cj/T 309-2009)A级标准的要求。为大庆城市污泥处理、处置和环境管理提供依据。
We monitored heavy metal in sludge of four sewage treatment plants in DaQing city, compared the monitoring result with the standard and found that concentration of heavy metals in sewage sludge were not high and reached heavy metal standard in CJ/T249-2007 The disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treat-ment plant - Quality of sludge for co -landfilling and A degree standard in CJ/T 309-2009 Disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant-Control standard for agricultural use. The result provided ba-sis for treatment and disposal of sludge and environmental management in DaQing city .
Heilongjiang Environmental Journal