

The Communicative Intention of Silence in Remembering Babylon
摘要 澳大利亚作家戴维·马洛夫的小说《忆起了巴比伦》自出版以来,在广受赞誉的同时也受到了部分质疑和批评。有评论家认为这部小说在土著问题上忽略了他们遭受的压迫,"将政治一笔抹煞"。这样的批评主要源于对小说中三种沉默的误读,忽略了沉默背后的交际意图。该小说的真正意义蕴藏在沉默背后,借助会话沉默与主题沉默,马洛夫揭露和批判了历史上澳大利亚白人在建构家园的过程中对土著所采取的直接暴力和文化暴力,同时他还通过文本沉默向读者展示了土著文化的深邃质朴,指出只有向土著学习,白人才能成功在此建构家园。 Remembering Babylon is one of the representative works of David Malouf,the famous Australian writer.The novel brings Malouf not only great fame and many awards but also severe attacks and criticism.In some critics' view,this book ignores the Aborigines' suffering and leads to 'an erasure of the political'.Such criticism arises from a lack of consideration of the author's communicative intention behind the three types of silence in the novel.Through conversational silence and thematic silence,Malouf unveils the direct violence and cultural violence the whites have imposes on the Aboriginals.Malouf also conveys to the reader the essence of Aboriginal culture with description of textual silence.He points out that the whites cannot adjust to the environment until they learn from the Aboriginals.
作者 孔一蕾
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期125-133,共9页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 戴维·马洛夫 《忆起了巴比伦》 沉默 交际意图 David Malouf,Remembering Bbylong,silence,communicative intention
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  • 1黄衍.话轮替换系统[J].外语教学与研究,1987,19(1):16-23. 被引量:42
  • 2Charles E. Bressler, Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998, p.266.
  • 3Cecil Hdgraft, "Introduction", The Australian Short Story Before Lawson, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1986,pp. 10-14.
  • 4Archie Weller,"Portrayal of Aboriginal Men in Literature", Social Alternatives 7.1 (1988), p. 56.
  • 5"Short Stories", The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, ed. David Horton,Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press for the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Tones Strait Islander Studies, 1994,p. 986.
  • 6Louise E. Rorabacher, "Introduction', Aliens in Their Land, Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire, 1968, p. 17.
  • 7E. T. Brash, "Prejudice Towards Aborigines in Australian Literature", Racism : the Australian Experience ( Volume2: Black Versus White), ed. F. S. Stevens, Sydney: Australia and New Zealand Company, 1972, p. 35,p. 36.
  • 8Elizabeth Webby, "The Aboriginal in Early Australian Literature" (Southerly, 40. 1, 1980).
  • 9Susan Sheridan, '"Wives and mothers like ourselves, poor remnants of a dying race": Aborigines in Colonial Women's Writing' (Kunapipi, 10. 1/2, 1988)
  • 10Terry Goldie, "Signifier Resignifier: Aborigines in Australian Literature" (Kunapipi, 10. 1/2, 1988)









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