由我国著名学者、文学批评家李长之撰写的《司马迁之人格与风格》一书的第七章第六节认为 ,司马迁的根本思想是道家。鄙见以为 ,司马迁思想中确有浓厚的道家思想因素 ,但并不占其思想的主导方面 ,其根本思想依然是儒家。司马迁在李陵一案中的态度和立场及著述《史记》的前后经过足以说明问题。在其一言一行中仍十分明显地体现出儒家仁、义、礼、智、信 ,重修身立命、亲亲、立德、立言、多情善感的思想因素。
In the book 'On the Personality and Style of Si Maqian' written by Li Changzhi,a famous Chinese scholar and critic,he holds the idea that Si Maqian is mainly following the Taoism (in the sixth section of chapter seven). I think it may be right to say that Si Maqian' s thoughts are mingled with some strong Taoist ideology which is not the main component of his thought,and after all Si Maqian is a follower of the Confucianism. It is clearly shown when one examines Si Maqian's attitude,viewpoint and the events before and after he wrote his famous historical book 'The Records of History'. He expresses his belief in all the principles of Confucianism: benevolence,righteousness,courtesy, intelligence,faithfulness,self-cultivation,virtue,being true of one's words and emotional.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges