中国共产党成立以来所经历的 80多年的征途中 ,由于形势、环境的变化 ,其工作重点曾发生过四次大的转移。而每一次工作重点的转移 ,都对中国革命和建设产生过重大的影响。因此 ,认真回顾和探索这四次工作重点转移的伟大意义 ,对搞好今后的革命和建设工作是十分重要的。
There had been four important shifts of the Chinese Communist Party due to the changing situations during the process of its development since it was founded. Each shift in history had some great influence on the revolution and construction of China. Therefore,careful retrospection and exploration of the significance of the shift of working focus will be of great importance to future revolution and construction.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges