英语课的泛读教学主要应以培养学生快速阅读的方法与技巧为主。为此 ,我们在实践的基础上 ,提出一些方法与建议 :诸如预测、快读与略读、按“意群”阅读、“自上而下”与“自下而上”理解法、使用“板罩” ;适当学习生词、短语 ,适当分析句子、段落 ,背诵等 ,以提高这门课的教学质量。
The purpose of English extensive reading is aimed at training students to acquire the skills and techniques of fast reading in English. Here we put forward some useful techniques and suggestions that we have practiced in our classes such as predication,skimming and scanning,reading according to the sense of group,up-down and down-up comprehension and the information gap by the board covering method in addition to learning new words,phrases,analysis of sentences,paragraphs and recitation of texts to raise the efficiency of teaching and learning.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges