The traditional approach to pricing a derivative security (warrants pricing) is BS model pioneered by Black and Scholes .This model adopts model-driven approach with many assumptions, which are often not met in the real world and produce pricing bias. Therefore, this paper used Fuzzy Genetic Programming (FGP) model, which belong to data-driven approach, to price warrants. They are nonparametric, and have strong abilities in horizontal searching. Thus the complex nonlinear warrants pricing can describe by these models. The fuzzy crossover rate and mutation rate are adopted in these methods to show dynamic regulation of the evolution processes. Finally, the result of the experiment is shown as following: (1) The FGP has better searching abilities than the fixed parameter GP and the better precision of pricing than the BS model. (2) The FGP is more suitable to basket warrants than individual warrants in predicting prices. (3) If the predictive bias near the pay time is large, the period will raise the predictive accuracy of the FGP. (4) The simulation of investment strategy by the FGP is better than traditional GP model.
Chinese Journal of Management