随着现代社会的日新月异 ,法律改革也成为了许多国家的重要任务。法律委员会作为一个致力于英格兰与威尔士的法律改革的法定机构 ,以其独立的法律地位 ,精干的队伍 ,科学的工作方法 ,在促进英格兰与威尔士法律的改革 ,在使英格兰与威尔士法律朝着更加公平、简单 ,更加符合现代化 ,使用的费用更低的方向发展 ,取得了令人瞩目的成就。我国正在进行全面的改革 ,包括法律改革。对这一机构的介绍与评价 ,对我国法律改革有着现实的借鉴作用。
With the change of the society day by day, reforming laws has become the important task of many counties. As an statutory organization aimed at reforming the laws of England and Wales, with its own particular legal status, keen-witted and capable team, scientific researching methods, the Law Committee has got noticeable achievements to promote the reformation of the laws of England and Wales, and to make the laws of England and Wales develop in the direction of being fairer, simpler, more conforming to modernization, and with lower cost of use. China is undergoing comprehensive reformation, including reformation of laws. Introduction and evaluation of this organization will be a reference for the reformation of law in China.
Tribune of Political Science and Law