Abstract The Oslo Agreement is a breakthrough of great historic significance
in the Middle East peace process, and a milestone for solving the Palestinian issue. It indicates
that the two mutually exclusive nations have ended (at least in the Agreement) the long term
state of antagonism and have decided to solve their disputes by political means; and that the
two nations have accepted the reality that they must co exist in Palestine;the Agreement has
enabled the Palestinian people to make an important step toward restoring their legal national
rights. The Oslo Agreement demonstrates the spirit of flexibility, pragmatism and mutual
reconciliation on both sides of Palestine and Israel, opening up the `Oslo space′ a new
space of political actions, i.e., direct and open contact between them. And in this face to face
`Oslo space′, the rule of game for itself has been fixed:both Palestine and Israel have been
summaryed to be two poiltical entities with equitable status and will settle their differences
through political negotiations. ()
West Asia and Africa