Located at Houlin village, Mashan township, Jingzhou, about 6.5 km to the north ofthe Jishan cemetery and 3.5km to the south of Jinancheng or the old capital of the ChuState, Qinjia hill was lay with three large tombs coded M1. M2 and M3, of which M2 un-derwent rescue excavation in August 1997. Having been visited by tomb robbers, M2 has a square mouth, five tiers and a passagein the middle of its eastern side. The tomb furniture consist of three coffins each within anouter coffin. The skeletal remains of the tomb occupant are found extended, supine andrather well preserved. It was a female adult. An extremely valuable complete jade mask isfound at her head. The mask has pierced eyes, nostrils and a mouth, with other facial partsengraved in fine and smooth intaglio lines. Eight small round perforations are found at itsrim, probably used to sewn together with a silk facial cover. The tomb also yields bronze objects and their pottery imitations, jade articles as wellas bone, wooden and lacquer objects. The occupant must have been a noblewoman of theChu State.
Cultural Relics