This paper argues that when information technology merges with communcahon technology in Hong Kong, there is a need for a new form of literacy- 'infomdia literacy. ff Since the major communication medium of the contemPOop society has been replaced by the computer-mediated mcdia technology, in the 21st century Peope who can read and write but have no infomedia literacy wiII still be regarded as illitebo. The first pwt of this paper illustrates that when new technologies exercise great impact on Hong Kong society, it is necessary to teach cihzens how to wiseiy deal with them. HoweveF, current IT education cannot meet ths goal. Therefore, it is necessary to intreduce 'infomedia literacy' talhing in schools to supPlement IT education. The concept of 'infomedia' literacy is fuly explored in the second half of the paper.
Modern Communication(Journal of Communication University of China)